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Dear Friends,

Greetings from the McEver family! I want you to let you know that we as a family are more than grateful for your prayers and support in our lives and ministry. As most of you know we are living in unprecedented times. This year has brought many challenges and hardships for churches. I have been reminded that God is still in control no matter what we are dealing with. Our burden is to encourage individuals, and churches who are struggling. God has a plan and purpose in all these things. Now more than ever, churches and individuals have the opportunity to make an impact in their communities like never before. Pastor’s and Churches have never been through days like this and how we as Christ followers handle these difficult days is being closely watched by our neighbors. The world around us is looking for answers and we have the only answer that will ultimately save their lives!!! COVID-19 is terrible but the reality of the resurrection of the redeemed is greater!

As we deal with the new and different ways of ministering in 2020 we are trying to learn new ways (methods change but our message never changes) of reaching individuals and churches. There are a few things we know for sure: 1. The command to go tell the world has not changed just because we are recommended to social distance. 2. The gospel still works!!! I recently was able to witness the baptism of a 86 year old man who just became a believer!!! 3. People are discouraged. This is perhaps the most common thing we see, Tired, depressed, disenchanted people not just in the world around us but in the church. My fear is that even more churches will be closing and more believers will give up on church in these uncertain times. That is why we are at- tempting by every means we can to help and encourage Pastors, churches and individuals! We all need encouragement from time to time and our prayer is that for some we can be that light in the darkness. We invite you to join us on our Facebook page @g2gmcever. Throughout the week my wife and I post live videos with simple messages of encouragement. I also am helping churches that are seeking pastors to navigate through the process of finding God’s man for their ministry. In addition we are holding evangelistic revival meetings around the country to help and encourage local churches. This brings up a need, would you consider helping? We have a major need for support for a series of meetings we are holding on the Navajo reservation in June of 2021. The need there for the gospel is great. However, the people have great difficulty finding work and the churches are poor. Your generosity would help make a difference in many lives!

Our needs at this time are: 1. We need friends who will earnestly pray for us. 2. We are traveling to the Navajo reservation in New Mexico in June of 2021 we will be holding meetings at multiple locations for several weeks to encourage local ministries and to evangelize. 3. Financial Support for the continued work of the ministry.

We thank you for your prayers and support. For His glory,

John McEver

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