My name is Jeff Minix. My wife, Audrey, and I have been married for 31 years. God has blessed us with 3 wonderful children; Tyler (29) Amber (26) and Ashley (23). My ministry is called, The Master’s Builder. I have been involved in mission work since 2014. I have a different kind of ministry, I consider myself a missionary to missionaries. Missionaries, when they get to the field, know how to preach, teach and go soul winning, but most know nothing about building and that’s where I come in. We help with all types of building projects. We have helped with many different projects from building dorm rooms for a church school in the Philippines to framing a church building in the Dominican Republic. We currently have three trips planned for 2021. We plan to build a church in the Amazon, break ground for a children’s camp in Brazil and continue a church project in Alaska. God has been good to me and It’s my privilege to share His blessings with others.
…Therefore we His servants will arise and build… Nehemiah 2:20